Manage your HTML snippets


In Custom HTML page, you can manage your HTML snippets. App provides the following management actions:

  1. Add a new HTML snippet.

  2. Edit a snippet.

  3. Search (full-text search) snippets by name.

  4. Filter snippets by status (enabled/disabled).

  5. Enable one or many snippets at once.

  6. Disable one or many snippets at once.

  7. Delete one or many snippets at once.

Add a new HTML snippet

Click Add HTML snippet button to add new HTML snippet:

After that you will see a page to fill your snippet information, click save and you are done!

For more detail, read here

Edit a snippet

In HTML snippet management section, click a snippet name you want to edit:

You will be redirected to HTML snippet detail page:

For more information which the options mean, please read more

Edit your snippet information and click Save button to save your changes:

Search snippets by name

In Search bar you can search (full-text search) snippet by name:

Filter snippets by status

You can filter snippets by status(Enabled/Disabled). To do that, click Status button:

Click Select a value and select a status you want:

After that your snippet will be filtered immediately:

Enable one or many snippets at once

First, you click on the checkbox to choose snippets you want to enable. You can choose or many snippets:

Second, click Enable snippets button to enable snippets you chose:

After that snippet status will change to Enabled and your snippets will be applied immediately to your theme:

Disable one or many snippets at once

First, you click on the checkbox to choose snippets you want to disable. You can choose or many snippets:

Second, click More actions button -> click Disable snippets button

After that snippet status will change to Disabled and your snippets will be disabled immediately on your theme:

Delete one or many snippets at once

First, you click on the checkbox to choose snippets you want to delete. You can choose or many snippets:

Second, click More actions button -> click Delete snippets button:

A popup will appear to confirm whether you want to delete snippets or not, click Delete button to confirm:

After that, snippets will be deleted and disabled on your theme.

Last updated